Educator Expenses

Many educators are aware of the deduction they can take on the front of their tax return for out-of-pocket expenses that aren’t reimbursed by the institution they teach for. However, hardly any educators are aware that expenses exceeding the $250 limitation may be...

Tax Preparation Fees

I don’t know if you knew or not, but the fee you paid to have your tax return prepared this year is deductible on your tax return next year. AND the fee you paid last year is deductible on your tax return this year. Who would have guessed that having good advice also...

Losses or Theft

That personal item you love was lost, stolen or damaged? Got into a vehicle accident and the insurance company didn’t totally cover everything? You may be able to deduct the value of the loss on your tax return. Talk to your tax professional about the benefit you can...

Job Travel

I don’t know about you, but when I worked for other companies, my job liked to send me places for training and didn’t always reimburse me for all of those expenses. But that’s ok. You can deduct those travel expenses on your tax returns: oil, gasoline or mileage, even...

Job Education

Staying abreast of the current trends in your career is important. It can can be costly too! Be rewarded for investing in your career. Money paid for professional memberships–including union dues–and subscriptions, events, conferences and trainings in...

Charitable Donations

Give to receive! Charitable donations, whether in cash or in kind, to a qualified organization can net you a tax deduction equal to the amount of cash or the value of the items donated. A quick way to track these donations are to ask for a receipt from the...